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Freedom Fence Service Areas

Electronic Pet Fencing

We understand that you want to be comfortable letting your pet into your yard for some much-needed exercise. That is why we build humane and customizable fencing systems that give your pet the freedom to roam around safely so you don’t have to worry.

Pet Fencing

Are you looking to install pet fencing on your property that effectively stops your pets from running away? If so, Westchester Country’s Freedom Fence is here for you. Create a safe environment with our state-of-the-art pet enclosures that require no physical fencing to keep your beloved pets on your property.

Underground Dog Fencing

Our underground electric fences create a secure, invisible boundary that prevents your pets from wandering off, getting lost, or finding themselves in dangerous situations. Utilizing wireless technology and customizable settings, our fences are tailored to the unique size and shape of your property, ensuring your dogs have ample space to play and explore while remaining safe.